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Need an older gcc version on my cygwin due to poor performance on gcc-3.x series.


I've compiled Octave-2.1.60 with gcc-3.3.3 successfully, but the performance is pretty bad with gcc-3.3.3.

The performance should of Octave is much better, when compiling it with gcc-3.2.x instead.

The reason might be that the memory allocator on gnu stdc++ has changed to one which is several times slower,
and therefore gives horrible performance on gcc-3.3 and gcc-3.4.

Therefore it would be nice to have gcc-3.2.2-3 to my cygwin.

So where can I find gcc-3.2.2-3 to my cygwin?

The setup version of my cygwin is 2.427, and I believe my cygwin version is one of the latest.


Ole J.

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