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Re: perl vendor_perl/Cygwin/Setup ?

Max Bowsher schrieb:
Gerrit P. Haase wrote:
Reini Urban wrote:
Shouldn't your next perl update also include our own perl libs?
These are the libs required by upset?


Reini, why would you think these highly specialized modules are worth bundling in the main perl package?

well, why not?
It's the only vendor specific stuff I could think of (now that we have this new libdir), and it's required for upset, which might be handy for package authors to test their setup.hint and provide a local distro.

Because one might be too lazy to find out the CVSROOT and it would be nice to have a versioned and stable release of them besides the CVS versions. setup is also a package.

You could always ITP them seperately if you think that would be a useful thing to do.
(Though you might have considerable difficulty getting +5 for them)

A seperate package would make more sense indeed. well, oh well. -- Reini Urban

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