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Re: OCLA - Add RFC

On Tue, Oct 26, 2004 at 02:15:08PM -0400, Igor Pechtchanski wrote:
>On Tue, 26 Oct 2004, Christopher Faylor wrote:
>Would changing
>	If you see an acronym not listed here on the list, please send
>	comments and suggestions to the Cygwin list.
>	If you see an acronym not listed here *on one of the Cygwin
>	lists*, please send comments and suggestions to the Cygwin list.
>work? (emphasis mine)

How about "If you have been following the cygwin lists for a while and
think that you see the need for a useful acronym that is not listed

>>Yeah.  That'll work.  Or, as a guy I used to work with was fond of
>>saying "Just use common sense!"
>Umm, that probably won't work.  People usually have very differing
>notions of what "sense" is "common".  :-)

Yes.  This was my point.


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