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cygutils cygstart eats program arguments


I'd like to use cygstart to launch a couple of log windows to monitor server activity, much like the Windows START command. However, cygstart eats *all* the arguments, not only the ones before the executable. Is there something I've missed?

The usage suggests otherwise:
Usage: cygstart [OPTION]... FILE [ARGUMENTS]

Sample session:

/cygdrive/l/bin $ cygstart tail -f /var/log/fetchmail.log
Unable to start 'tail': There is no application associated with the given file name extension.

/cygdrive/l/bin $ cygstart tail
[opens a new window waiting for stdin (as it should).]

/cygdrive/l/bin $ cygstart tail --version
[displays cygstart's version, not tail's]
cygstart version 1.0, by Michael Schaap

Let Windows start a program or open a file or URL.

/cygdrive/l/bin $ cygstart "tail --version"
Unable to start 'tail --version': The specified file was not found.

Cheers, Rob

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