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Re: Profile not called

At 12:03 PM 10/25/2004, you wrote:

>"Larry Hall" wrote in message">
>> And how would you check to find out where 'kpsexpand' came from?  Visit
>> <>, enter 'kpsexpand', and press enter.  Presto!
>> You now know that 'kpsexpand' comes from the 'tetex-bin' package.  You
>> have that installed, so you can either look to see why that's not being found
>> for you anymore or you can just rerun 'setup.exe' and reinstall it.  The
>> choice is yours.
>I have reinstalled.
>The original problem has returned.
>See clgf89$u8j$">news://$u8j$
>bash-2.05b$ cygcheck -srv > cygcheck.out 2>&1
>File cygcheck.out is attached.

Well, it looks like your mounts are wrong again.  They now all point to 
'C:\cygwin_etc\_download\001' while your path points to 'C:\cygwin\bin'.
Perhaps during the reinstall you changed your installation path (again)?

Larry Hall                    
RFK Partners, Inc.                      (508) 893-9779 - RFK Office
838 Washington Street                   (508) 893-9889 - FAX
Holliston, MA 01746                     

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