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RE: Bash returns incorrect process status

Attached is a "simpler & better" patch to bash, replacing
the one in

It's simpler because it slightly changes how bash works to
prevent the pid reuse problem, instead of adding a layer to
fix it. It's better because it also fixes the bug reported
in <>
and some other potential issues.

To build bash, follow the following steps:

Download the bash source package, using setup, and put
the attached pids3.diff file under /usr/src/bash-2.05b
$ cd /usr/src
$ ./ prep
$ cd bash-2.05b
$ patch < pids3.diff
$ cd ..
$ ./ conf
$ ./ build
This produces /usr/src/bash-2.05b/.build/bash.exe,
which you can copy to /bin, preferably after having saved
the original bash.


Note: This patch does not modify configure. If you have
applied the previous patch, make sure to run prep again.

Attachment: pids3.diff
Description: Text document

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