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Re: bash-2.05b commands?

At 02:12 PM 10/24/2004, you wrote:
>HI again,
>Thanks for the prior help.  Got Cygwin to open.
>It opens to Cygwin bash shell  which is bash-2.05b.
>I get 'bash-2.05b$'
>I type 'help' and get a screen full of it.
>I type 'dirs' and get '/cygdrive/d/cygwin/bin'.
>But I am unable to get to any directory in my cygwin file.
>bash-2.05b$ _     (What do I type here to get to my home dir?)
>Path on HD is D:\cygwin\home\warrey.

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for any subsequent posts to this list.  While it's certainly clear from
your posts what you are trying, it's not clear what your environment is.
Following the recommendations of the above link will tell you what a 
good problem report should contain and how to send it to this list.
Also, in your case, please *attach* the '/etc/passwd' and '/etc/group'.

Larry Hall                    
RFK Partners, Inc.                      (508) 893-9779 - RFK Office
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