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Cygwin setup 2.427 on Win2K

I'm trying to run the Cygwin installer on W2K/SP4 (local install) and it lets me get as far as the screen where I select the packages I want...but the NEXT button is inactive, so I can't actually complete anything.  All I can do at that point is CANCEL.

The system appears to be running Norton Internet Security.  We tried turning that off but it didn't seem to make any difference.

After the installer exits, the log shows that it verified all the MD5 values, and d:\cygwin\var\log has two files (setup.log and setup.log.full) in it.  D:\cygwin\etc\setup has a file last-action that says "Install" and last-cache that lists the (correct) directory where the package archives reside.

setup.log says:
   Could not open service McShield for query, start, and stop.  McAfee
   may not be installed, or we don't have access.

That's a bit of a surprise, since they're using Norton and NOT McAfee.

What do I have to do to get the installer to process my selections?

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