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Problem using well debugged tck script with wish84
- From: "Wolz, Michael (NIH/NHLBI)" <wolzm at nhlbi dot nih dot gov>
- To: "'cygwin at cygwin dot com'" <cygwin at cygwin dot com>
- Date: Thu, 21 Oct 2004 13:38:50 -0400
- Subject: Problem using well debugged tck script with wish84
Dear sir or madam,
I've installed CYGWIN recently, and I'm trying to use a tcl utility I like
quite a lot, tkedit.tcl. It works well on all unix platforms I've tried it
on, and it used to work on the Cygwin platform. Now when I try to run it
(using wish.exe or wish84.exe) I get the following message:
couldn't compile regular expression pattern: brackets [] not balanced while
"regsub --all "\[\\\]" $env(PATH) "/" s"
So CYGWIN wish is interpreting things differently from other UNIX platforms.
I've used the default parameters - e.g., my hard drive is mounted binmode.
Please direct me to where I might be better able to debug this problem.
Thank you!
Michael Wolz
Epidemiology and Biometry Program
National Heart, Lung and Blood Institute
6701 Rockledge Drive #8161 (Rockledge II)
Bethesda Maryland, 20892-7934
(301) 435-1295
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