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RE: Buffered output/Forked processes

  Sorry, I should have stated my question better -- look at the following command on cygwin:

  % vmstat 1 > somefile.txt &
  (...time passes...)
  % ls -la somefile.txt
  -rw-r--r--    1 leitaon  mkgroup-      0 Oct 13 13:48 somefile.txt
  (...time passes...)
  % ls -la somefile.txt
  -rw-r--r--    1 leitaon  mkgroup-     4096 Oct 13 13:52 somefile.txt
  What is going on is that vmstat/cygwin/glibc/whatever is just buffering the output until the buffer is full (4096 bytes) at which point it flushes it. The effect I want is for each line outputed from vmstat to go straight into the file (or in my original example, into the pipe and the Perl script) -- the problem is *not* on the Perl script but the way vmstat is buffering the output.

  Any clues ?



-----Original Message-----
From: Reini Urban []
Sent: 13 October 2004 13:12
To: Nuno Leitao
Cc: ''
Subject: Re: Buffered output/Forked processes

Nuno Leitao schrieb:
>   I have a Perl script which looks like:
>   open( VMSTAT, "vmstat 5|" );
>   VMSTAT->autoflush( 1 );
>   while( <VMSTAT>) {
>      print $_;
>   }
>   Now, under Linux and other UNIX OS's this works fine, and "print $_" will
> print the vmstat output every 5 seconds since the output from vmstat is not
> buffered. Under Cygwin however, it seems vmstat will always buffer its
> stdout with the undesirable effect that lines come in batches as the output
> buffer gets full and is flushed by the Cygwin C libraries.
>   Is there a way to go around this without having to patch and recompile
> vmstat or other binaries I might want to use in this way ?

basic perl question, not cygwin related.
$ perldoc -q buffer
$ perldoc -f select

cygwin perl doesn't honor $| ? not true.
Because you told VMSTAT not to buffer.
But you shold have told it to STDOUT.

open( VMSTAT, "vmstat 5|" );
VMSTAT->autoflush( 1 );
$| = 1; # STDOUT is selected so STDOUT will get unbuffered.
while( <VMSTAT>) {
     print $_;

Reini Urban

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