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Re: other services ok, ftp not (was 1.5.11 - tcp problems)

On Tue, Oct 12, 2004 at 08:14:50PM -0700, Brian Dessent wrote:
>Carlo Florendo wrote:
>>Thank you so much for your comments!    However, updating the relevant
>>directories to have +x, and updating all the relevant files to have +rx
>>still didn't solve the issue.  I've tried to track down the problem via
>>the source code of inetutils-1.3.2-28 and it seems the actual error
>>message is produced by the following code:
>I can't tell from your message but since your prompts contain the
>username 'SYSTEM' I am assuming that you're testing this from a sysbash
>prompt in the context of something that's being run from a service,
>CGI, cronjob, etc...  If that's the case then it sounds awfully like
>the problem of SYSTEMROOT being removed from the environment.  Check
>that this variable is set for the process that is trying to run ftp.
>There's lots of recent threads about it in the archives if you need
>more background.

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