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Re: other services ok, ftp not (was 1.5.11 - tcp problems)

Carlo Florendo wrote:

> Thank you so much for your comments!    However, updating the relevant
> directories to have +x, and updating all the relevant files to have +rx
> still didn't solve the issue.  I've tried to track down the problem via
> the source code of inetutils-1.3.2-28 and it seems the actual error
> message is produced by the following code:

I can't tell from your message but since your prompts contain the
username 'SYSTEM' I am assuming that you're testing this from a sysbash
prompt in the context of something that's being run from a service, CGI,
cronjob, etc... If that's the case then it sounds awfully like the
problem of SYSTEMROOT being removed from the environment.  Check that
this variable is set for the process that is trying to run ftp.  There's
lots of recent threads about it in the archives if you need more


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