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Re: SSHD installation defaults / security

On Mon, Oct 11, 2004 at 12:49:09PM -0400, Igor Pechtchanski wrote:
>On Mon, 11 Oct 2004, Corinna Vinschen wrote:
>>On Oct 11 13:29, Jochen Wezel wrote:
>>>I've installed today the current release of cygwin (1.5.11-1) with
>>>OpenSSH package.
>>>There are 2 issues:
>>>1.  This package (or at least the ssh-host-config script) depends on
>>Neither the package nor ssh-host-config depend on cygserver.  Dunno how
>>you get the idea.  Do you mean cygrunsrv?  Yes, the ssh-host-config
>>script depends on it *iff* you answer the question to install sshd as a
>>I'm not sure if the package should require cygrunsrv, though.  The
>>/usr/share/doc/Cygwin/openssh.README file mentions that cygrunsrv is
>>required to install sshd as service on NT systems.
>Well, in the spirit of CGF's comment about tetex-x11 requiring X
>because of xdvi (see
><>), perhaps
>openssh *should* require cygrunsrv.

Or, (Corinna will probably kill me for saying this but...) maybe it's
time to split openssh into opensh-server and openssh-client?

openssh-server could rely on cygrunsrv.


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