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Re: [OT] Re: Spurious "You have multiple copies of cygwin1.dll on y our syste m."

"Luke Kendall" wrote:
On 8 Oct, Robin Bowes wrote:

Try setting it to: Your Name <name@domain> Notice two things: 1. No quotes round your name - they're only required if you have special characters in your name. 2. angle brackets round your email address.

Well, I tried:

"Luke Kendall" <luke.kendall@XXXX...>
"Luke Kendall" (luke.kendall@XXXX...)
Luke Kendall (luke.kendall@XXXX...)
Luke Kendall <luke.kendall@XXXX...>

and in each case got mail with headers like this:

From: luke.kendall@XXXX...
Subject: test 7
Date: Fri, 8 Oct 2004 16:01:02 +1000 (EST)
To: Luke Kendall <luke@XXXX...>
X-Spam-Status: No, hits=0.349 tagged_above=0 required=6.3 tests=AWL, NO_REAL_NAME
X-Spam-Level: (Luke Kendall) luke.kendall@XXXX...
(Luke Kendall) <luke.kendall@XXXX...>

gave a really bad From: address of From: "Luke Kendall"@XXXX...

So in short, I tried everything I could think of.

Like I said, I don't think this feature works properly in my MUA
(Postilion).  And yes, I should update to some other one, and I will,
and in the meantime I'll suffer from this problem, which seems fair

Thanks for the suggestion, though, Robin.

I found this from the postilion home page ( under "nagging bugs" (!) :

"Entering a Full Name <user@domain.tld>, or user@domain.tld (Full Name) format address in the preferences widget will not work properly. Setting the address in the format user@domain.tld (Full Name) in each mailbox's configuration will work. To do this, open the "Mailboxes" window, select the mailbox, right-click, choose "Edit" from the menu, and enter your address in the From: and, optionally, the Reply-to: fields."

Worth a try.

Alternatively, bite the bullet and find a MUA that works.


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