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Re: cygwin & openssh(d) & login without password

On Sun, Oct 10, 2004 at 10:10:07AM -0700, Brian Dessent wrote:
> wrote:
>>I wanted to add a little bit to the thread in regards to setup of ssh.
>>To generate the public and pro\ivate key pairs needed to login with out
>>a password prompt requires the use of the "ssh-keygen" utility.  From
>>your home directory using the following sequence to generate a key
>Better to just run "ssh-user-config" which does this for you, among
>other things.  If there are deficiencies in that script (or
>ssh-host-config) then they should be fixed, rather then having users
>circumvent the scripts and "wing it".

Right.  It's especially important that we don't fill the archives with
27 different ways of doing something that ssh-user-config is supposed
to be doing for you.

If we need to improve things so that we advertise ssh-user-config better
then that's a great project for someone who wants to contribute to


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