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Re: PostInstallLast addons?

Christopher Faylor wrote:
On Sat, Oct 09, 2004 at 06:19:07PM -0700, Lex Ein wrote:
"Cygwin Setup - Finish

Create icons Have setup create icons for easy access to the Cygwin environment. [ ] Create icon on _Desktop [ ] Add icon to _Start Menu

Optional tasks - (may take many minutes!)
   [ ] Build database (makewhatis) of man page short descriptions for
   'whatis' & 'apropos'.
   [ ] Build database (updatedb) of file names for 'locate'.

Display README information at exit. [ ] Display /usr/share/doc/Cygwin/ directory of README files.

I think that's a very good idea.  It would need to be conditional on the
existence of man and, I guess, find, though.

In the context of some of the earlier posts in this thread, can I suggest that the wording is a little less daunting to those not familiar with nuix/cygwin. OK, so "Build database (makewhatis) of man page short descriptions for 'whatis' & 'apropos'" may be technically correct, but wouldn't something like this be more "helpful":

  Optional tasks - (may take many minutes!)
    [ ] Build help index (used by 'whatis' and 'apropos' commands)
    [ ] Build file index (used by 'locate' command)


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