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Re: cygwin & openssh(d) & login without password (gold star)

On Sat, Oct 09, 2004 at 04:02:25PM +0000, Robert R Schneck wrote:
>lex ein wrote:
>> 2. The user might type 'help openssh' and be told to "try 'man -k openssh'  
>> which produces "openssh: nothing appropriate", a nice showstopper.  
>> 6. If a user has by some miracle heard of 'locate', a search using 'locate  
>> openssh' produces no results unless the user first runs 'updatedb'.
>Would it be appropriate for the PostInstallLast part of setup which 
>"updates info dir" to also run makewhatis?  And perhaps even updatedb?

Can I get a gold star over here for an attempt to apply a creative
solution to a problem?  That is a refreshing response given many of the
other non-Corinna messages in this thread.


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