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RE: ssh/BitKeeper connection does not work on cygwin1.5.11?

Hi Andrew...

Are those usere using Windows XP SP2? If so, this sounds like the pipe problem with cygwin on XP SP2 that is being worked.



From: Andrew Chang To:
Subject: ssh/BitKeeper connection does not work on cygwin1.5.11?
Date: Thu, 7 Oct 2004 13:32:07 -0700

I have a few user reporting the following problem:
After upgrading from cygwin 1.5.10-3 to cygwin 1.5.11;
	Using Bitkeeper over a ssh connection just hang after the
	password prompt.

[I can reproduce it at will too]
I ran the test with the same version of openssh (3.9.p1)
It worked in cygwin1.5.10 and failed in cygwin1.5.11.
Does anyone had any idea what caused this?

Andrew Chang

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