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Upgrade problem: Experimental package: postgresql-8.0.0cvs-1

Reini Urban schrieb:
I've made the latest snapshot of postgresql-8.0.0 available for download. This is a test release to test several new features and gain more feedback to be fixed upstream.

Before you update or uninstall this experimental postgresql-8.0.0cvs-1 package, please be sure to do the following steps, otherwise setup will just hang.

rm /etc/preremove/

It's also save to remove an existing /etc/postinstall/ script, but this is very unlikely.

I tried to save the existing db data into a tmp dump file, before the only version which will be able to access this data will be removed.
But this dumping is not stable enough, so setup.exe might hang.

So be sure to save away your databases with
/usr/bin/pg_dumpall > dumpfile
with the postgresql version with which you created the database.
Otherwise you will not be able to access or save it.
If you've already done so, you have to reinstall this particular version, just to dump it to an ASCII SQL file. This file might get large, but other previously existing upgrading scripts have been pulled from distribution, because they didn't work.

The next experimental update will have this fixed and some more issues, which have been solved in between.
Reini Urban

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