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Re: SSH + CVS But no login.

On Oct  6 06:27, wrote:
> >Urgh!  SYSTEM is the account sshd is running under.  Don't remove that.
> Various Guest/System accounts that weren't the SYSTEM account, I removed
> IUSR_MOTHER and IWAM_MOTHER, the ASP.NET user etc.

Ah, ok.  That makes it clearer.

> Without an entry in the cygwin passwd file a user with a valid windows
> login can not authenticate into cygwin.
> Was this wrong?

I just jumped up when I read the word "system".  I'd remove only additional
accounts which are not used anyway (as the above noted IUSR_foo accounts). 
Personally I'm in favor of keeping these accounts in the file and just do
one or many of

- Disable the account in the Windows user management console
- Set the login shell in /etc/passwd to /bin/false
- Use the AllowUsers and DenyUsers entries in sshd_config


Corinna Vinschen                  Please, send mails regarding Cygwin to
Cygwin Project Co-Leader
Red Hat, Inc.

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