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Re: Shell script ignores $PATH?!

On Wed, Oct 06, 2004 at 09:48:56AM +1000, wrote:
>On  5 Oct, Brian Dessent wrote:
>>If you want to specify what shell is used to run a script you either
>>need to specify it in the shebang of the script (#!/path/to/shell) or
>>you need to start that shell explicitly (/path/to/shell
>>/path/to/script).  If you try to execute a script with no shebang then
>>the behavoir is going to be system-dependent.  On cygwin that means
>>defaulting to /bin/sh, as you can see from
>>        if (buf[0] != '#' || buf[1] != '!') 
>>          { 
>>            pgm = (char *) "/bin/sh"; 
>>            arg1 = NULL; 
>>          } 
>Thanks, Brian.
>It'd be nicer if it instead looked for sh in PATH,

Nicer for you.  Not so nice for someone who has a sh.exe in their path
which is not cygwin-aware or is not actually a shell at all.

>BTW, I've wondered for many years why the #! notation doesn't allow a
>pathless program name, to mean "look it up in PATH" in the normal way.

#!/usr/bin/env perl

It's a standard idiom.


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