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Re: Weird bug with cp -f [solution that works for me]

"Dave Miles" <> wrote in message cju9j6$jv2$">news:cju9j6$jv2$
> Since re-starting the system and repeating the copy on drive O: (the
> newly created NTFS partition that 'cp' worked in) the "magically created
> directory" now appears when using 'cp'.

So I tried to re-format it and was denied. On investigation
it turned out that Norton System Works had protection enabled
on this drive. I disabled it and 'cp' now works again. Also
if you check the exclusions on a drive that Norton is
protecting you'll see that '\temp' is excluded.

So for me at least disabling Norton Protection on a folder
or drive that I intend to use Cygwin on is the way to go.

Many thanks to all who replied.


Dave Miles

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