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RE: Request for a version/ revision/ release number for the whole Cygwin release/ distribution

> -----Original Message-----
> From: 
> []On Behalf
> Of David Christensen
> Sent: Sunday, October 03, 2004 4:15 AM
> To:
> Subject: RE: Request for a version/ revision/ release number for the
> whole Cygwin release/ distribution
> > I don't think there are enough potential volunteer man-hours to make
> such a thing feasible.
> I disagree.  Assume for a moment that all Cygwin project member
> development efforts can be put into the following bins:
> 1.  Code development.
> 2.  Design documentation.
> 3.  Test suite development.
> 4.  Test suite documentation.
> 5.  Test suite execution and reporting.
> 6.  User documentation.
> 7.  Packaging for distribution.
> 8.  Infrastructure development.
> 9.  Infrastructure administration.
> 10. Version control/ configuration management of all of the above.
> 11. Personnel leadership and project management.
> It would seem that bin #1 is consuming the majority of the effort.  I
> think that by changing priorities and re-allocating people and
> resources, it should be possible to create integration tests and a
> "stable" distribution.  Such would increase Cygwin's acceptance and
> usage for potentially hundreds of millions of people.  Is this not a
> good thing?

It seems to me that as it is a volunteer community, the people in 
question would need to volunteer to be re-allocated. This does not 
seem to be happening. :-) 

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