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Re: Netsky worm

On Wed, 30 Jun 2004, Robert Pendell wrote:

> Right.  Windows actually stole certain things from UNIX.  Example: The
> system32\drivers\etc folder is taken directly from UNIX.  There are
> certain others stolen from UNIX too but I can't remember what.

``Stolen'' is a big word. Microsoft has as much right to imitate
good or bad ideas from elsewhere as anyone else.

I can think of lots of things in Windows that were imitated from Unix
and surrounding culture. Most of them are imitated badly; the nice,
simple concepts are typically contorted and murdered in the process.

- The use of the C language for expressing the system interfaces and
  for developing the kernel. [ All very bastardized under Windows.
  Crap like __declspec(dllimport) and __stdcall and __pascal, WINAPI 
  hack layered upon hack. ]

- Network stack. [ Direct from Berkeley Unix ].

- The basic kernel architecture. [ Though unreliable; trivial 
  driver reconfigurations require reboot. ]

- Hierarchical filesystem with . and .. directories, and paths
  expressed left to right separated by slashes (albeit backslashes).
  [ But with drive letter name stupidities, 8.3 backward compatibility
  hacks, UNC paths that don't work everywhere, etc. ]

- Symbolic links (shortcuts) [ Not recognized at the deepest OS levels,
  just a superficial trick seen by the Shell API ], and hard links (NTFS).

- Unstructured files with open/read/write type primitives, with
  EOF indicated by a short read. [ Complicated API with a huge number
  of parameters just to open a file. Stupidities in the filesystem
  regarding concurrent operations. ]

- Object file formats like COFF and ar archives in the Microsoft

- Command shell with < > | redirection, by way of DOS. [ Antedeluvial
  syntax and semantics. ]

- Shell and utilities as a separate programs called by name.

- Devices mapped into the filesystem space [ but without regard for
  pathname namespaces. Cannot have a file called CON or PRN in any
  directory! ]

- Command lines and environment variables, passed down to child processes.
  [ But a single command line string is passed that must be tokenized
  by the called process, so there is no consistent, reliable way to
  pass a general list of arguments. ]

- Path environment variable, containing delimited list of places to
  look for executables.

The list goes on.

Do you know that animated film _The Nightmare before Christmas_? If UNIX
is like Christmas, then Windows is like Pumpkin King Jack Skellington's
bastardized misunderstanding of Christmas. The interfaces and
mechanisms of Windows are like Jack's gruesome toys that scare the

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