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Inactive or unsupported "-E" option on echo

I got confused by the options supported in echo:

$ /bin/echo --help
Usage: /bin/echo [OPTION]... [STRING]...
Echo the STRING(s) to standard output.

  -n              do not output the trailing newline
  -e              enable interpretation of the
backslash-escaped characters
                    listed below
  -E              disable interpretation of those
sequences in STRINGs
$ /bin/echo -E toto
-E toto

However, with the bash built-in version:
$ echo -E toto

In both versions, default is to not interpret
the backslash (#define V9_DEFAULT is commented out
in sh-utils/src/echo.c).
But the -E option is valid (recognized) in the
built-in version, not in the exe version.

There is likely nothing to do, on the cygwin side.
It's only a pity that the usage message does not
vary in accordance with the #define as the supported
options and behaviour do.

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