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RE: Maildir and Cygwin

> On Thu, Apr 22, 2004 at 08:26:00AM -0700, Eduardo Chappa wrote:
> > :) > that Cygwin is different (e.g. we could do this in the cygwin
> > :) > applications mailing list).
> > :)
> > :) Why do you want to change so many programs when all you need is a
> > :) cygwin managed mount?
> IMO, the correct solution for mutt to make everyone happy would be a
> new configuration variable to specify the character (presumably
> defaulting to non-: for cygwin).  I think I've seen both ; and -
> suggested in different places.

No, all that would do is guarantee that a mutt using ";" couldn't read a
Maildir written by a fetchmail using "-" (i.e. the disagreement would simply
move from being hardcoded to being defined at compile time).  The correct
solution is to implement a corrected spec.

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