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Setup changes paths

My work pc is set up so that the c drive is too small for anything useful
and all applications go on the d drive.  The standard build of the pc is set
up with Cygwin already installed.  My issue is that the standard build
doesn't have some components I need.  

However, setup.exe always installs updates to c:\cygwin, regardless of what
I specify in the installer GUI.  Future executions of the GUI indicate that
these components are installed, but they won't run (give "can not find dll"
errors, etc...).  My registry paths BEFORE running setup all point to /,
/usr/lib, and /usr/bin being on the d: drive in the correct place.  My
registry paths AFTER running setup have moved /usr/lib and /usr/bin to
c:\cygwin.  How do I keep the damn thing from installing to the wrong place?
Just moving my cygwin install to c:\cygwin is not an option...

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