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Re: Problems with OpenSSH in win32.

Quoting Alejandro Lopez-Valencia <>:

> On Mon, 29 Mar 2004 16:51:59 -0500, Brian Chase wrote in
> <>:
> >Alejandro Lopez-Valencia wrote:
> >
> >  And
> >> that's the reason why I suggested TightVNC, performance is acceptable
> >> with a 56K modem link, and it defaults to using SSH tunneling, so for
> >> practical purposes you obtain a cheap VPN.
> >> 
> >Are you sure of this statement?  The reading I have done on TightVNC 
> >tells me it encrypts passwords only and doesn't have any SSH 
> >capabilities.  I'd be happier if I were not correct, but I'd like to read 
> >some documentation proving me wrong to confirm it.
> >
> I was thinking of the Unix version, which can be integrated with SSH
> to do encrypted port tunneling by default. The Windows server is
> weaker in this respect and requires a lot more hand-holding. There,
> compile the Unix version of the server under Cygwin and we are
> on-topic again. :-)

I'm not sure that you can compile tightvnc under cygwin. I have been using
TigthVNC for windows, but it would be more integrated if I can use the tightvnc
client (vncviewer) because you can't pass some parameters (like the password) in
the vnc client for Window and I don't want any graphical interface, just to
execute from other machine the vncclient/vncserver.

Is there any tightvnc package or anybody compiled the tightvnc for Windows under


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