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Re: rsh no longer works with rsync as of 1.5.9

On Fri, 26 Mar 2004, Igor Pechtchanski wrote:

>Re: rsh no longer works with rsync as of 1.5.9
>From: Igor Pechtchanski <pechtcha at cs dot nyu dot edu>
>To: Bruce Dobrin <dobrin at imageworks dot com>
>Cc: cygwin at cygwin dot com
>Date: Fri, 26 Mar 2004 23:33:05 -0500 (EST)
>Subject: Re: rsh no longer works with rsync as of 1.5.9
>References: <00ec01c41387$02143d10$4d1f1cac@THEODOLITE>
>Reply-to: cygwin at cygwin dot com

>On Fri, 26 Mar 2004, Bruce Dobrin wrote:

>> Hi,
>> I have been using rsync via rsh (-e "rsh")   for our general
>> for a for all of our windows and Linux machines ( 2000 of them) .   on
>> Upgrading from cygwin1.5.5 to 1.5.9,  Rsync could no longer use rsh to
>> rsync.
>> I get : "rsh : unknown option -- server"
>> I down graded the rsync2.6.0 from the cyg1.5.9 install  to the 2.5.6
>> from the cyg1.5.5 version and got the same problem.  I restored the rsync
>> 2.6.0 and copied the rsh.exe from the inetutils-1.3.2-25 from the
>> install and rsync started working again.
>> Is there a known bug or known workaround for using the most recent
>> of rsh ( from 1.3.2-26)?
>> thanks.
>> Bruce Dobrin
>> example: rsync -rluzv -e "rsh" --timeout=100 --size-only
>> matilda:/c/dist_and_install_files/dist/sysadm_general/ /c/
>> rsh : unknown option -- server
>WAG: check text/binary settings on the connection (e.g., does $CYGWIN
>contain "nobinmode"?).  Also check with ssh.

Thank you for answering.
Using ssh works fine ( well, it works as well as rsync has ever worked
anyway ;-)  ). My $CYGWIN is a fairly standard : binmode tty ntsec

ssh is not really an option for us though;our facility is locked down hard
so internally we don't use ssh at all but depend on rsh..  I'd like to keep
our rsh current though,  but to keep it working I have had to replace the
newer rsh with the older one...  eventually I'm afraid this will bite me in
the butt.   should I talk to the rsync people?  it looks like rsync is
passing a switch "--server" that is being picked up incorrectly by the newer
rsh and not the older one...   ( if I type:  BASH > rsh --server
I get the same response:  "rsh: unknown option -- server" ),

Thanks for your continuing help

Bruce Dobrin

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