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Re: Problems with OpenSSH in win32.

When I go from a Linux console to get a Windows screen, VNC is much easier to set up, but haven't managed to get it to work over SSH, which may be a hard requirement as if going over a WAN.

The other direction, I prefer Cygwin/X and enabling XCMDP on the Linux box for local access. But I'll be trying all options suggested in this thread, thanks for all the contributions.


Alejandro Lopez-Valencia wrote:

On Mon, 29 Mar 2004 20:49:37 +0200, Alejandro Sánchez Acosta wrote in

It's posible under cygwin, see the Larry post. You can run graphical
applications in Windows over ssh configuring the services in windows (you have
to activate: allowing service to interact with desktop).

I'll have to try it out some time. But I still think that VNC is a
better solution; you get access to all the desktop services in the
remote machine.



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