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Re: Problems with OpenSSH in win32.

On Mon, 29 Mar 2004 18:30:21 +0200, Alejandro Sánchez Acosta wrote in

>I have installed cygwin with OpenSSH support with the following steps:
>ssh-host-config -y
>cygrunsrv -S sshd
>And then I have connected with a ssh client (with Linux) and tried to run a
>graphical application but it doesn't show anything in the remote machine
>(windows with opensshd server under cygwin)
>Any clue?

Hola tocayo,

It is not particularly clear what you did from your description, but
if I understood correctly, you are trying to have graphical access to
a Windows box from a Linux box using SSH, am I correct?

This is not possible with the tools you are using. That is, it is
*entirely possible* to have graphical access to a Linux box from
Windows by using Cygwin's OpenSSH port *and* Cygwin/X. To do it in the
other direction you need a different set of tools, namely VNC or
similar. If so, it is off-topic for the list, but you can always
search for TightVNC in SourceForge :-).

Alejandro López-Valencia
[...] every educated man is a theologian, and he doesn't need faith to
be one. (J.L. Borges)

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