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Re: 1.5.10 release?

On Sat, Mar 27, 2004 at 11:06:07PM -0800, Brian Dessent wrote:
>Gareth Pearce wrote:
>> > How dare you imply that cygwin has bugs?
>> >
>> > I'm sending this email from cygwin right now and I
>> ... experienced a bug called 'user error'.
>> Why does cygwin have such bugs!
>Meh.  My B19 version doesn't have any bugs.  Why, the other day it
>solved fermat's last theorem on its own.

I removed that theorem solving code in B20, as I recall.  It was causing
random SEGVs on Windows 3.1 and occasionally it would lock up the computer
trying to calculate 7+ million digit prime numbers.

B20 had some very sophisticated DWIM code, however, which was removed in
B21 and subsequent releases since the code increased the size of the
cygwin DLL by almost 1.5K!


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