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Re: sysvint: init: No such file or directory

On 3/28/2004 10:24 AM ... Earth time
Marcel Telka configured a series of 1's and 0's as follows:
Hi Bill.

NapÃsanà dÅa 28.03.2004 17:36, (autor: Bill McCormick):

Hi all,

I'm trying to get a sysvinit working. To start with I'd like to get xinetd services going. Seems to be little information on this out there. Is there anything like a howto for this?

<cite from="/usr/share/doc/Cygwin/sysvinit.README">
Port Notes:
Init supposed to run as Windows NT service. To create default /etc/ inittab, /etc/rc and to install init service execute


Yea, I saw that and thought that I did it but I tried it again. Now I
realize It was the xinetd-config I did. So I ran the init-config and
then the xinetd-config again. Now it looks like I'm a little closer but
when I ...

$init 3

... xinetd does not start.

it looks like /usr/bin/init-config made the following changes.

$ cat inittab
# id:runlevels:action:process
#S0:2345:respawn:/sbin/agetty -L -T vt100 -n ttyS0 9600 ttyS0

$ cat rc #!/bin/sh # Clean up utmp database
#rm -rf /tmp/*

I'm still missing something.



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