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Re: php and cygwin

At 02:07 AM 3/27/2004, you wrote:
>hi ,
>I have installed the latest apache-1.3.29-2 , after instalation , if i try
>to activate the
>installed php4 , httpd.exe cannot start , so i uninstalled the php4 and then
>i try to use the setup.exe to look for
>the mod_php4 , but canot find  , can anyone help to give me some advice  ?
>my questions :
>- Is there any one have successfully setup apache-1.3.29-2 with mod_php4 ?
>- where to get the mod_php4 , which i can see it in my setup.exe last time
>but now
>  i can't see it anymore ?

It was pulled from the list of Cygwin packages a reasonably short time ago
for security reasons and an updated package has not yet been resubmitted.
There are references to this in the email archives and pointers to where a
more current version is, IIRC.  Or you can build it yourself.

>- if i need to recompile php under the cygwin environment , what should i do
>, any
>  pre-require ? what are the Dev. tools i need. ?

You'll want to check the email archives on that.  I don't build or run 
apache or mod_php4 so I wouldn't be any help with specifics on this issue.

Larry Hall                    
RFK Partners, Inc.                      (508) 893-9779 - RFK Office
838 Washington Street                   (508) 893-9889 - FAX
Holliston, MA 01746                     

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