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Re: libdinput.a

On Mon, Mar 08, 2004 at 11:07:08AM -0500, Larry Hall wrote:
> At 08:50 AM 3/8/2004, you wrote:
> >What version of DirectX is supported ? Or more exactly what version of DirectInput? 
> >I need DirectInput 8, but LPDIRECTINPUT8, DirectInput8Create() are not recognized by libdinput.a (it seems like libdinput.a goes for DirectX 7). 
> >Is the answer in the FAQ: 
> >Why isn't package XXXX available in Cygwin? (Or, why is your package so out of date?) <>
> >If so, can I link a gcc compiled program from cygwin against the static Win32 libs xxxx.lib ? (the -mno-cygwin flag is for dynamic linking). 
> >Is there by any chance a libdinput8.a like in Dev-C++ ? 
> >If nothing else works, can I link the MSVC libs as stated in the FAQ in: 
> >How do I link against .lib files? <>
> >I'm sorry if this question was asked before, it was not in the FAQ. 
> >    A. Sava
> Yeah, I'd say this entry is a bit out-of-date, though the information isn't
> wrong.  You should be able to use the '.lib' files directly.  Just list them
> like you would object files.  Feel free to make whatever additions are 
> necessary to the DirectX stuff to support your work.  Please consider 
> submitting patches for whatever you do.
I'd love to correct the entry, which appears to be


but I don't really know what's out-of-date. 

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