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Re: cygwin under Wine?

On Thu, Mar 25, 2004 at 07:33:52PM -0500, Thomas L Roche wrote:
> Can Cygwin currently run under Wine?

Christopher Faylor Thu, 25 Mar 2004 21:56:35 -0500
> 1) Why not *try* running cygwin under Wine? The only way to know for
>    sure is to actually try it anyway.

Yeah, and the only way "to know for sure" that putting your hand on a
hot stove will burn it is to "actually try" that, also.

> 2) Please don't use this list as a fact gathering mechanism for your
>    internal requirements.

Are you just being "mean" (viz the acronym--other epithets come to
mind) for the helluvit? IMHO asking "Can Cygwin do X," after making a
reasonable FAQ-search, is entirely appropriate on this list.

> 3) As Larry noted, you could use a cross-compiler. I know that you
>    maintain that you would do testing under Wine but it seems rather
>    foolhardy to do all of your testing on an emaulator

Do you grasp the concept of BVT? It's a small subset of testing, run
on a build box, to give immediate feedback regarding the utility of a
build. (But now that I think about it, given the havoc wrought by some
recent Cygwin builds, perhaps the concept of BVT _is_ new to you.)

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