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Re: Problems when env-size gets too large

On Thu, Mar 25, 2004 at 09:45:43PM -0500, Mike Sieweke wrote:
>This isn't a Cygwin limitation.  It's a Windows limit of 32k
>environment size.  There's no way around it except to limit the number
>of variables you export.  I've run into the same problem, but with
>large Bash functions (which are included in the environment).  My
>solution was to not export any functions.

Actually, you may be able to work around the problem by mounting the
directory containing the executable (or even the executable itself) with
the -X option:

  mount -X c:\somewhere\bin /somewhere/bin

This will cause cygwin to use only its own conventions for passing
arguments and environment variables, bypassing any Windows limits.


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