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Re: Cygwin under Wine?

At 07:33 PM 3/25/2004, Tom Roche wrote:
> While sounding out Cygwin users in my organization, I got the
> comment:

> > If Cygwin would run under Wine, I'd be a very happy person, we
> > wouldn't need real Windows machines for builds, and we could
> > consign all our Windows build machines, their ITSC compliance, and
> > the continual stream of updates and security fixes to the deepest
> > pits of hell.

Larry Hall 03/25/2004 07:45:39 PM:
> I'm not sure I see the logic in the comment from which the question
> stems. If the goal is to avoid using Windows platforms for builds,
> why isn't a cross-compiler targeting Windows enough?

For one thing, in these modern times, building usually also involves
some smoke-, unit- or function-test (i.e. "build verification test").

As far as the administrative desirability of running an emulator vs
running native: this may be an organizational peculiarity, but IIRC
the same requirements don't apply.

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