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Re: Cygwin under Wine?

At 07:33 PM 3/25/2004, you wrote:
>Can Cygwin currently run under Wine? Why I ask:
>While sounding out Cygwin users in my organization, I got the comment:
>> If Cygwin would run under Wine, I'd be a very happy person, we
>> wouldn't need real Windows machines for builds, and we could consign
>> all our Windows build machines, their ITSC compliance, and the
>> continual stream of updates and security fixes to the deepest pits
>> of hell.
>Which seems a worthy goal :-) But can it be done? Are there
>alternative means to the same end (i.e. running cygwin under some
>emulator, presumably on a *nix on intel)?
>Apologies if this is a FAQ: I didn't see anything about this in the
>FAQ (BTW: didn't there useta be a "one big FAQ" option, a lá the
>"one big UG"?) or the UG, and a quick Google finds a lot of
>not-too-recent posts detailing difficulties and partial successes.
>If possible please reply to me directly, as well as to the group.

There's been talk about it in the past but it's unclear how well it 
would work.  You'd have to try it.  I'm not sure I see the logic in 
the comment from which the question stems.  If the goal is to avoid 
using Windows platforms for builds, why isn't a cross-compiler 
targeting Windows enough?  Of course, if the answer is "it is", then
we're off-topic. ;-)

Larry Hall                    
RFK Partners, Inc.                      (508) 893-9779 - RFK Office
838 Washington Street                   (508) 893-9889 - FAX
Holliston, MA 01746                     

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