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Cygwin under Wine?

Can Cygwin currently run under Wine? Why I ask:

While sounding out Cygwin users in my organization, I got the comment:

> If Cygwin would run under Wine, I'd be a very happy person, we
> wouldn't need real Windows machines for builds, and we could consign
> all our Windows build machines, their ITSC compliance, and the
> continual stream of updates and security fixes to the deepest pits
> of hell.

Which seems a worthy goal :-) But can it be done? Are there
alternative means to the same end (i.e. running cygwin under some
emulator, presumably on a *nix on intel)?

Apologies if this is a FAQ: I didn't see anything about this in the
FAQ (BTW: didn't there useta be a "one big FAQ" option, a lá the
"one big UG"?) or the UG, and a quick Google finds a lot of
not-too-recent posts detailing difficulties and partial successes.

If possible please reply to me directly, as well as to the group.

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