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TeTex problem with dvicopy


I want to use dvilj4 to print a document using virtual fonts. So far
such documents don't print (blank page). I am using tetex 2.0.2-13.

dvilj4 reports:

  dvilj4: warning: font family for bchr8r is UNSPECIFIED; need to run

I *have* run dvicopy before, with the following output:

This is DVIcopy, Version 1.5 (Web2C 7.4.5)
Copyright (C) 1990,95 Peter Breitenlohner
Distributed under terms of GNU General Public License
DVI file: ' TeX output 2004.03.25:2254',
   num=25400000, den=473628672, mag=1000.
DVI: font 14 = bchr7t.
DVI: processing page 1.
DVI: font 14 = bchr7t.
TFM: font 0 = bchr7t.
VF file: '',
   for font 0 = bchr7t.
VF: font 0 = bchr8r.
TFM: font 1 = bchr8r.
OUT: font 1 = bchr8r.
OUT file: 260 bytes, 1 page written.
(No errors were found.)

When I compare this to the output in Linux (in which the same file
prints fine through this procedure), I see that the line

   VF file: '',

is probably the problem, as in the Linux output the same line reads:

   VF file: 'virtual font bchr7t created by fontinst v1.504',

I also compared all the bchr* files in both (Linux and Cygwin)
installations of tetex, and the only difference was that there were
some more in Cygwin. (Can include the listing if useful.) I append
below a minimal file on which the problem occur.

Note: my problem is NOT to include the -l switch to lpr when using
dvilj4. I solved *that* problem :-)

Any help appreciated!


\documentclass {book}


Does this thing work?


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