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Re: chroot-bug?

At 12:51 PM 3/25/2004, you wrote:
>I'm using CYGWIN_NT-5.1 (cygcheck.out attached)
>*I installed Cygwin in a Subdir /cygdrive/d/temp/Cyg/, because here we don't have permissions for /. So I want to chroot to that installation-directory, for getting the programs working properly.
>chroot $InstallROOT $InstallROOT/usr/bin/bash
>-->> "chroot: cannot chdir to root directory: No such file or directory"
>At home I did the same, ADDITIONALLY having /usr/bin/bash, but I get the same errors.

This makes perfect sense to me, given your cygcheck output.  I'll give you
a hint as to why this makes sense to me.  What is "$InstallROOT" set to?

>chroot $InstallROOT; doesn't work  # InstallROOT=/cygdrive/d/Temp/Cyg
>Also cd /; chroot .    # doesn't work
>chroot /;    # works, but worthless
>* mount works, whereas I can't alter anything (umount, mounting others doens't work)
>   -->> umount: /cygdrive/H: Permission denied
>mkdir X; mount /dev/hda1 X   -->> mount: X: Invalid argument
>   which devices are to be used? (As /dev/null nothing exists, but works)

I think you don't understand what mount does in Cygwin.  Read 'man mount'
and <>.

>* Why doesn't work #!bash ? On other systems it's enough to let it find by the $PATH.

And what's in your path?  Would you be able to find bash in it's installed
location using only your currently defined path as a guide?

>Extension .bat is executed by cmd.exe, if no extension, I would like to be able to leave the #!command out!

Sorry, I'm not sure what you're driving at with this statement, unless it
was just meant to clarify that you cannot run 'bash' without specifying
the full path to it.


Larry Hall                    
RFK Partners, Inc.                      (508) 893-9779 - RFK Office
838 Washington Street                   (508) 893-9889 - FAX
Holliston, MA 01746                     

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