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Re: dllwrap fails to find last exported symbol alphabetically

On Thu, 25 Mar 2004, Peter Stephenson wrote:

> A problem now seen by two of us with recent Cygwin installations:
> mine was updated to `current' status last week.  However, I don't think
> this is new since I've been seeing it on my own setup for a while.
> Zsh uses `dllwrap --export-all-symbols' to link against it's own DLL's.

This should be corrected.  I'd changed the Cygwin port to use
'gcc -shared -Wl,--export-all-symbols'
specifically to address export symbol and other loader related issues
under Cygwin.  Apparently my changes never made it back into the source.
I'll have to see why.

> On the systems in question, dllwrap failed to identify the last symbol
> exported from the main dll (zsh.dll) against which all the other DLL's
> are linked.  The symbol in question is `zwarnnam'; we've verified it
> really is the last symbol by adding a dummy one later in the alphabet,
> and the problem goes away.  (This is an easy workaround so consequently
> finding a real fix isn't a high priority for us.)
> It sounds like if this is fundamental lots of people would have fallen
> over it, but I've no idea what else might be relevant.

Don't know.  I've only recently pulled it and started my porting.  I'll
figure out what's happening and feed back.

> Anyway, on systems where it does trigger, it will show up by downloading
> zsh 4.2.0 from and trying to compile with default

4.2.0 has only been out for a few days.  Gimme a little time!

I'll get to the bottom of this.

> options.  You will see warnings about failures to find the symbol
> zwarnnam when linking DLL's.  (The failure seen by users is a crash on
> an attempt to print warning messages form libraries.  Running `vared
> nonexistentvar' form the installed shell will do this.)  We haven't
> narrowed it down any further.
> If you (the Cygwin people) need more information, it's probably best to
> prod (this list runs qconfirm but you only need to
> confirm once).

Peter A. Castro <> or <>
	"Cats are just autistic Dogs" -- Dr. Tony Attwood

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