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Re: lstat on FAT - Was: Problem with find on FAT drives


Sorry, I just have to ask this, see below.

So again, is this an expected/tolerated behaviour?

Yes, it's by design. The answer is "don't use DOS paths".

It's nice to be mean, isn't it?

How about some clarification: "Don't use DOS paths if you want consistent i-nodes?"

You're welcome to use DOS paths if you want.  You just can't expect
UNIX-style behavior from them.
Did you read that mail to the end? It contained a full analysis
of the problem and even a patch. It is just a small unconsistency
that is easily fixable, I didn't fully check if my changing of
isslash() does some harm, if it does the inode problem is
still fixable. Again, see my ananlysis.

Would you in principle preject a patch that fixes the inode
behaviour on non NTFS drives?


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