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Re: Broken package selection for a full install

Morris Walton wrote:
My renaming the installation root and registry keys as per Igors
suggestion, you have removed all trace of your package selections.

Thanks. I think I figured out what was wrong. I selected Install on the root of the package tree, then used the view radio buttons (to see what they are for). I think I reselected Install on the root after that, but I can't swear to it and can't test it at the moment (I'm in middle of a move and project), but in three or four weeks I'll


get a chance to verify if that was the problem.

[Morris] I don't see how this would be a problem? Shouldn't "install" work?

It *should* but it doesn't always. The first time I installed Cygwin I used 'install' but got missing 'CYGxxx.dll' - type messages on the post-install script and attempting to run the default icon (because of grep which was missing libpcre, and k?which which was missing libkpathsea3). Doing a reinstall on the root had the same result (I did the reinstall after looking at the FAQ since that was the advice for missing .dll messages). I then searched the archives and discovered that someone had a similar problem with 'less' with a 'default' install. It seems that sometimes not all dependencies are picked up, which is borne out by the fact that there were unselect packages, and manually selecting everything made the reinstall work.
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