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Re: Broken package selection for a full install

Robert Collins wrote:
On Sun, 2004-03-07 at 16:35, Daniel F. Dickinson wrote:

Igor Pechtchanski wrote:


If you're willing to temporarily rename the existing installation root
(and the registry keys) and reinstall from scratch, please post the
/var/log/setup.log and /var/log/setup.log.full from an install session
that exhibits the above problem.  Note that /var/log/setup.log.full is
overwritten every time you run setup.  After the install, you can rename
the old directory back (and the registry keys, if you did something fancy
with mounts or options -- otherwise they should be identical).

I did that, but didn't get any errors. Does setup store *any* information about package selections, and if so where?

In the installation root under /etc/setup

I'd like to help with the debug, but it seems that since my manual package selection that made things work, that I can't replicate the error without removing all traces of my package selections.

My renaming the installation root and registry keys as per Igors
suggestion, you have removed all trace of your package selections.

Thanks. I think I figured out what was wrong. I selected Install on the root of the package tree, then used the view radio buttons (to see what they are for). I think I reselected Install on the root after that, but I can't swear to it and can't test it at the moment (I'm in middle of a move and project), but in three or four weeks I'll probably get a chance to verify if that was the problem.

-- Daniel F. Dickinson: "Time does not die; the circle is not round." : bookstore : for origins of life archives

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