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Re: 1.5.7: csrss and bash consuming 100% of CPU

At 11:15 AM 3/23/2004, you wrote:

>I believe this is an old problem, but I'm now experiencing it with a
>recent version of Cygwin. I haven't been able to determine what
>triggers this, but after what seems like a few minutes working with
>bash, I find that my CPU is at 100%, and that task manager identifies
>the culprits as csrss.exe and each instance of bash.exe. Killing each
>copy of bash restores the CPU to its typical workload. I'm using
>version 1.5.7 of the cygwnin DLL, and Windows XP Pro
>SP1. Unfortunately I can't pinpoint when this started, and so identify
>what changed on the machine. I did set "tty" in the CYGWIN variable,
>but have since removed that setting.
>I've searched the mailing lists, but only found a tantalising
>suggestion that this would be fixed back in 1.1.1:
>Google found a couple of articles, but no fix. Does anyone know what
>is the cause of this?
>I've attached the suggested cygcheck output to this message.

Please upgrade to 1.5.9 and/or the latest snapshot to see if either help.

Larry Hall                    
RFK Partners, Inc.                      (508) 893-9779 - RFK Office
838 Washington Street                   (508) 893-9889 - FAX
Holliston, MA 01746                     

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