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Re: sshd debugging

On Mar 23 07:16, David Corbin wrote:
> I have sshd up and running as a service.  I can ssh into the box if I type a 
> password, but I do have a public-key/private-key installed that it doesn't 
> seem to recognize.  (If you want to recommend a solution to this problem, 
> please do - it's the real problem).

The keys are probably not readable by SYSTEM.  Use ssh-user-config as
the affected user.  The script sets the permissions correctly.

> When I have this problem on linux, I usually launch sshd in non-daemon mode 
> with some debugging flags on a different port.  When I try to do this with 
> cygwin, it says that it can't read the host key and quits.  (the host key is 
> a 0600 and owned by SYSTEM).  How can I do this?

When I do this, I'm running under my own account and change owner
of the files beforehand:

 chown MyAccount /var/empty /etc/ssh*

But that will mostly not help when debugging permission problems with key
files.  And of course you must remember to revert ownership afterwards.


Corinna Vinschen                  Please, send mails regarding Cygwin to
Cygwin Developer                      
Red Hat, Inc.

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