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Re: setup changes my mounts

At 11:16 PM 3/22/2004, you wrote:
>Hi All...
>I used to have all of my mounts set to binary mode. Now for cvs reasons, I have my cygdrive prefix set to test mode. I just do a "mount -cst /" to set it up.
>When I run setup to update my install, my cygdrive prefix reverts to binary mode. The prefix remains "/", but the mode changes. I had expected that after my initial install, setup would leave my mounts alone.
>Is there any way to prevent this, or should I just get in the habbit of running "mount -cst /" each time I update?

My cursory review of the setup code for installing suggests that you'll
need to feed your habit.  Setup's behavior is the safer way to handle this
kind of thing, if you think about it.  Otherwise, it would be possible to 
attempt an installation into stale directories, for example.  Not that
this isn't "fixable".  PTC ;-)  FWIW, I found the code for this in 
do_install_thread() in  The code reads:

  create_mount ("/", get_root_dir (), istext, issystem);
  create_mount ("/usr/bin", cygpath ("/bin"), istext, issystem);
  create_mount ("/usr/lib", cygpath ("/lib"), istext, issystem);
  set_cygdrive_flags (istext, issystem);

The parameters for setting the mount type and the scope come from settings
in setup itself, not from any previous registry entries.

Larry Hall                    
RFK Partners, Inc.                      (508) 893-9779 - RFK Office
838 Washington Street                   (508) 893-9889 - FAX
Holliston, MA 01746                     

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