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Re: Remove Cygwin entirely from Windows 2000 Server SP3

>>>>> "Corinna" == Corinna Vinschen <> writes:

    Corinna> There shouldn't be any cyg* files in the system folder.
    Corinna> If you want to have it entirely clean, you'd have to
    Corinna> delete all registry keys */Software/Cygnus
    Corinna> Solutions/Cygwin with * being HKLM as well as all HKU
    Corinna> subkeys of users which have used Cygwin.

I've never had a problem with this, but: oughtn't he ensure that all
Cygwin services are stopped before he deletes c:\cygwin?  If not, I
fear he'll get "access denied" errors when trying to delete the
relevant .exe and .dlls.

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